Terms and Conditions

Blingo Competitions Ltd registered company number: 13375459

These Terms and Conditions apply to all competitions listed on the Promoterā€™s website at blingocompetitions.co.uk [ā€œTHE PROMOTERā€] The competition is a skill-based competition, and an entry fee is payable. To be in with a chance of winning, everyone who enters the competition (an ā€œENTRANTā€) will be required to correctly answer a question set by the Promoter (the ā€œCompetition Questionā€)


The Competition is only open to all residents in the United Kingdom aged 18 years and older except for: 1) employees of the Promoter 2) employees of agents or suppliers of the Promoter, who are professionally connected with the competition or its administration 3)members of the immediate families or households of Blingo Competitions Ltd. By entering the competition, you confirm that you are eligible to do so and eligible to claim any prize you may win, the Promoter may require you to provide proof that you are eligible to enter the competition. The Promoter reserves all rights to disqualify you if your conduct is contrary to the spirit or intention of the prize competition. No refunds of the entry fee will be given in any event, including: 1) If, following your entry into the competition, you subsequently find out that you are not eligible to enter the competition or claim the prize. 2)If following your entry into the competition the eligibility criteria for entering the competition or claiming the prize changes and you are no longer eligible 3) If you are disqualified from the competition by the PromoterĀ NOTE: Where a prize is won by a person younger than 18, we reserve the right to award that prize to the winners Parent or Guardian instead of the prize winner who entered the competition.


This Competition is operated by Blingo Competitions Ltd, Governed by UK law, any Matters relating to the Competition will be resolved in the English Courts of law. In the event that you will be entering this competition online via the website and accepting these Terms and Conditions you confirm that you will not be in breach of any Laws in your Country of residence. Blingo Competitions Ltd will not be held responsible for any persons who enter the competition unlawfully. It is your responsibility for any taxes you may incur if you play outside the UK.


Competitions may be entered via our website. Blingo Competitions Ltd may have more than one prize competition running at the same time. In order to enter our competitions, you are required to register an account online with us Blingo Competitions Ltd. ToĀ register an Online account you are required to supply a email address. This account can only be used by you (the entrant ) & not used for multiple entries with different names. When playing one of our competitions via the website please follow the on screen instructions: a. select the competition you wish to enter b. when you are ready to purchase a ticket (s) please provide your contact & payment details c. please check your details are correct & tick the box to confirm you have read & agreed with our Terms and Conditions. d. Once your payment has cleared & checkout completed we will email you to confirm your entry into the competition.Ā PLEASE NOTE: You will not be entered into our competition until you receive a confirmation email from us.Ā The Promoter will not accept competition entries that are: automatically generated by computer; or incomplete. In any event that the Promoter closes or extends the competition, due to computer virus, bugs, unauthorised tampering, fraud or any technical failures beyond our control, the Promoter may, at its discretion, cancel or modify the competition.


All entrants must acknowledge that entering this competition that they are not Guaranteed to win a prize. It is your responsibility to check legal advice and that you areĀ satisfied with this before entering. When entering a skilled type competition, either online or free email route, it is not considered gambling under UK Law. TheĀ competitions on the Website are in no way sponsored, endorsed,Ā administered by or associated with Facebook. TheĀ competitions on the Website are also in no way sponsored, endorsed,Ā administered by or associated with any brands that may be used as prizes.

By entering theĀ competitions, entrants agree that Facebook has no liability and isĀ not responsible for the administration or promotion of theĀ competitions.
4.1Ā The entrant (you) can enter our competition a number of times limited to a max number as displayed on our competition prize page for the particular prize you wish to enter. These vary for each competition, based on the number of tickets available at various prices, and be at the discretion of the Promoter for each competition you enter. The competition closes when the max number of entries have been reached or when the draw date has also been reached. The Promotor can rollover the date of the competition at any time. Ā The competition will then be closed and no more entries will be accepted. If we decide to bring the competition closing date forward due to ticket sell out that is our prerogative. How we select the prize winner: We will use the Google random number generator. Before each competition draw Ā (streamed on youtube) we will demonstrate how the generator works using a rangeĀ of numbers above the spectrum of the actual draw. For example. IfĀ there are 1 ā€“ 2000 tickets available for a draw, our demonstrationĀ draw will be in any range above e.g. 3,000 ā€“ 5,000 to demonstrate howĀ it all works. After our test run we will run the live draw. Some of our competitions we will have some runner up prizes, these will be clearly advertised on our website. We reserve the right to have runner up prizes at our discretion. The competition will run from and include the opening and closing dates specified on the website. These dates shall be referred to as ā€œOpening Dateā€ and ā€œClosing Dateā€ respectively. All times and date referred to are the times and dates in London England (GMT). The promotor can change the closing time and date on any competition, without notice. This will be the case Ā Ā until all tickets are sold.

To enter via post, go to our website and register your details. Once you have registered on our website, all qualifying entrants may be able to enter the competition free by sending a postcard entry to: Blingo Competitions Ltd,Ā 4th Floor, 14 Museum Place, City centre, Cardiff, CF10 3BH

Please include a note with the competition you wish to enter, answer the question correctly, then send to reach us at least 2 working days before the competition you are entering finishes. You must include, your details as recorded on our website, (these must be the same) b) the correct answer to the appropriate question you are entering c) your full name, postal address and post code d) telephone number & email address e) date of birth f) you must also confirm you agree with our Terms and Conditions & Privacy policy. Entries are limited to one entry per email but not limited to one per competition. All email entries must be received by Blingo Competitions Ltd 2 working days before the closing date of the competition you have entered. It is the sole responsibility of the entrant to ensure that your entry will arrive in plenty of time before the competition closes. Your entry must not be in an envelope- only open postcards will be accepted. If for any reason Blingo Competitions Ltd receive your entry after this time it will not be processed, As our entries are delivered to our business address we may only be able to check the entrants once a week. Blingo Competitions Ltd reserve the right to disqualify any entrant if we believe they have broken our terms and conditions. Blingo Competitions Ltd is not under any obligation to confirm whether your entry was received by the deadline for that particular competition or whether your answer was correct. Blingo Competitions Ltd do not accept any responsibility for entries that are lost, delayed for any reason (such as postal delays) or failure of tech equipment etc. Any entrant who sends multiple entries by post will have their entries deemed void. Entries must be in the English language (and readable), not sent on behalf of another person, must not be sent under multiple names. In the event of the ticket price being less than the postal value- you will receive multiple entries for that competition (up to the value of the price paid for a postage stamp) No entries will be refunded for any reason.


Once the winner(s) have been selected, we will contact them via their contact details (on our database) provided by them at the time of entry to this competition, by either email or telephone. We will do our best to contact you, but it is your responsibility to check whether your details are correct and updated at all times Blingo Competitions Ltd cannot be held responsible for incorrect information collected by us.
5.1Ā Prizes will be dispatched to the winners via our preferred courier partners unless otherwise stated. (Usually from the direct shop the prize is from. For example, if you win an Iphone, it would be sent to you directly from Apple.) We will not be liable for any prizes which are lost, delayed, or damaged in the post for reasons beyond our reasonable control. Further details will be given to winners when they are notified that they have won. You will be responsible for returning any items directly to the source they are sent from.
5.2Ā You must claim the prize personally, the prize may not be claimed by a third party on your behalf. Details of how the prize will be delivered to you will be made directly with you.
5.3Ā If your personal details,Ā including contact information, changes at any time, you should notify the Promoter as soon as reasonably possible. Notifications should be sent to the Promoter via email to [email protected]. Notifications must include details of the competition you have entered, your old details and your new details. If your details change within 10 days of the closing date, the Promoter will use your old details if it needs to try to contact you.
5.4Ā All winners are required to pose for a photo/video on the acceptance of their prize, solely for marketing & public relations by the Promoter in connection with the competition. This is also used to identify them as a winner of our competition on our Previous Winners Page ā€“ of the website, and on social media publications of our competition.
5.5Ā The Promoter will publish, or make available information, that indicates that a valid award took place. To comply with this obligation the Promoter will publish the surname and county of prize winners on the website.
5.6 If you object to any or all of your surname, county and winning entry being published or made available, please contact the Promoter at [email protected] prior to the closing Date. In such circumstances, the Promoter must still provide the information to the Advertising standards authority on request.
5.7Ā The Prize will only be delivered to the address held by us, from your information supplied to us when you enter the competition. Blingo Competitions Ltd will take no responsibility for the prize awarded once delivery is completed.
5.8Ā Blingo Competitions Ltd reserve the right to charge a delivery fee if the winner wants their prize delivered to a different address not held on our database. We do not deliver outside the UK Mainland, If you would like your prize delivered outside this area, the cost will be the winners responsibility.
5.9Ā The prize for the competition is described on the website ā€œ[the Prize ]ā€ Details of the prize are, to the best of the Promoterā€™s knowledge, information and belief, correct as at the Opening Date of each competition.
5.10Ā Prizes are subject to availability, The Promoter reserves the right to substitute the prize with a prize of equal or greater value. If any details of the prize change, the Promoter will endeavour to update the website as soon as reasonably possible.
5.11Ā The Promoter makes no representations and gives no warranties about the prize, its value, its condition or any other information provided on the website. The Promoter makes no representations and gives no warranties that the information provided on the website is accurate, complete or up to date.
5.12Ā The prize may be supplied by a third-party supplier (ā€œthe supplierā€). Details of the supplier (if any) will be provided on the website.
5.13Ā A competition may finish early if all tickets are sold before the closing date. Should the max number of tickets NOT be sold by the end of the competition we may extend the length of the draw. If after a reasonable amount of time determined by us and tickets are still available the competition may be closed, a draw made and the winner will be offered a cash prize that is equivalent to 70% of the entry fees taken for that particular competition. The Promoter reserves the right not to offer cash alternatives in place of the prize.
5.14Ā Any cash prize will be transferred directly to the winners nominated bank account, The winner must provide evidence that it is the sole or joint beneficiary of the bank account. Failure to do so within (14 days will result in disqualification from the competition and the winner forfeiting the prize. In such circumstances, the Promoter reserves the right to offer the prize to the next eligible entrant selected from the correct entries that were received before the closing date of the competition.
5.15Ā The Promoter does not accept any responsibility and is not liable to pay any compensation if you are unable to or take up the prize.
5.16Ā There will only be one winner per each competition unless otherwise stated on the competition page.

5.17 We will never sell your details to any 3rd party. Blingo Competitions may occasionally email you with company information relating to other products. By using our site and entering our competitions you are agreeing to this. You may opt out at any time.


Blingo Competitions Ltd may hold promotions to encourage sales of tickets. This period will be specified on the website. For each competition being held this may differ from time to time depending on the competition itself. We hold the right to adjust these times and dates at our discretion.


The Promoter is BLINGO COMPETITIONS LTD trading as Blingo Competitions Ltd. www.blingocompetitions.co.uk registered in England & Wales under Companies House Reg number: 13375459, If you wish to contact us, the best way is via email: [email protected]